SoundStage! Full Report Coverage by Contributor Marc Mickelson The dream of attending the CES is one of hand-shaking and hearty laughter, punctuated with periods of good music played over some of the finest equipment available today. The reality is both similar and different. Shaking hands and laughing are prevalent, but covering the Show is a long, mad dash from room to room, writing down model numbers and pricesand in most cases you get to hear only snippets of music. Bummer. But I shouldn't complain. I could've been SoundStage! publisher Doug Schneider, who melted down on Sunday afternoon after three and a half days of constant motion and bedlam. Yet he always looked fresh as a daisy in the many pictures for which he posed. (I think he brought his own makeup person.) Trick or Treat?
The Joseph Audio/API/Golden Tube/Cardas room featured a number of pairs of Joseph Audio speakers, although the $2299 RM22sis were playing when I visited, driven by a pair of Golden Tube amplifiers and preamplifier. Source components were a Judy Spotheim turntable with Judy Spotheim tonearm and Cardas Heart cartridge ($2775), or a Mark Levinson No.39 CD player ($5995). Cables were Cardas Golden Cross, and one of API's new Power Wedges provided line filtration. Even with a number of people milling about, the highly resolved sound had fellow SoundStager Dave Duvall pinned in the sweet spot of the listening couch.
The Wilson Benesch room featured the ACT 1 speakers ($10,000 per pair) with new compacted-fiber cone technology developed by Wilson Benesch. The speakers were driven by an FM Acoustics 611 Resolution amplifier ($38,000). The preamp was an FM Acoustics 155 linestage ($4,980) along with the FM Acoustics 122 phonostage ($5500). The main source was the new Wilson Benesch Circle turntable/0.5 tonearm combination ($2995) with new Analog cartridge ($3800). The other source was the Pink Triangle Litaural CD player ($3695), which has two switchable digital filters, 20-bit Burr-Brown DACs and 24-bit HDCD capability.
The Cary room featured Cary electronics (CAD-805 Signature amplifiers, $10,995 per pair; SLP-98P preamp with remote, $2995; and CD-301 CD player, $2495), the new Alon Circe speakers ($12,000 per pair) and Straightwire cable. The Police's Ghost in the Machine was playing when I visited, and playing LOUD-ly, although without obvious strain. The Cary 805 Signatures are especially attractive amps. In the one of the EgglestonWorks/VTL/Z-Systems rooms were the new EgglestonWorks Fontaine speakers ($6300 per pair) driven by the VTL MB-175 Signature amps ($4995 per pair), a VTL 2.5 preamp ($2045), a Z-Systems RDP-1 digital preamp ($4995) and Wadia 860 CD player ($7450). Next door were the EgglestonWorks Andras ($14,700 per pair) driven by the VTL Wotan 1250 Signature amps ($27,500 per pair), a VTL 5.5 preamp with phono ($3700), Wadia 27 DAC ($8450) and new 270 transport ($7950), VPI turntable and JWM Memorial 12" tonearm and Audiocraft cartridge. Whew! Cabling in both rooms was by Transparent. Which system sounded better? The Fontaine/MB-175s/2.5/RDP-1/860 system, which was very effortless and extended. The bigger, more expensive system was in the room next door, but the larger Andra speakers and two-storey Wotan amps proved to be too much for the smallish space. There's just never a good ballroom available when you need one. In similar fashion, Hales and BAT also sponsored two rooms. Elecronics playing in both when I visited were the BAT VK-500 amplifier ($5000), VK-5i preamp ($4000) and VK-D5 CD player ($4500). The speakers were the Hales Revelation Threes ($2195 per pair) and new Transcendence Fives ($5500 per pair). All cables were Cardas Golden Cross. There was no clear winner this time, both rooms sounding powerful and dynamic. Judging by sound alone (what else would one judge by?), Hales offers a lot of speaker for the money. Artemis had on display the
Eos Signature speakers with their matching, and portly,
Bass Modules ($15,800 per pair) driven by prototype
Reflection Audio amplifiers. The Reflection OM-1 with
battery power supply ($5500) handled the preamplication
chores, with a Basis turntable, Graham Model 2.0 tonearm
and Nightingale dedicated armwand/cartridge providing
tuneage. Cardas cables were used throughout. The system
produced very good sound that was punctuated by some
readjustment of the analog rig while I was trying to snap
pictures and generally getting in the way. I saw Utopia, actually a pair of them, in the YBA/JMlab room. Interesting fact: JMlab has 41 speakers in its line, of which the Utopias ($28,500 per pair) are only outpriced by the Grand Utopias. As you can guess, the Utopias are big, although, as I was told, they're easier to unpack than some of the smaller JMlab models. In addition to the Utopias were pairs of YBA preamps and power amps, and YBA cables. Beautiful tonality, but as with the EgglestonWorks Andras, the small room didn't allow these big speakers to breathe. Signet had both audio-only
and audio-video systems set up in separate rooms. The
video room featured a Pioneer projection TV surrounded by
a mob of Signet speakers: A/VP Standards with built-in
150-watt amp ($2500 per pair) for the front channels, VL
Bi-Rads ($540 per pair) as satellites, and the VLC266
center The ALR Jordan/McCormack room featured the lovely ALR Jordan Factor 2 speakers (price to be announced), McCormack DNA-2 amp ($3495), ALD-1 linestage ($1745), and DAC-1 digital-to-analog converter ($995). The transport was a PS Audio Lambda II Special ($1995). Power-line conditioning was from Van Evers. And yes, ALR Jordan knows its name is one letter away from "Air Jordan." Goin' Mobile
Cool! Sonic Frontiers' new
Transport 3 ($4995) was making showgoers oooo and aaaah
with its Iris access hatch, which opens and closes like
the secret entrance to Batgirl's changing room, and
overall engineering sophistication. The transport Apollo's Aria modular rack system made me reminisce about all of the time I spent as a child building things with my Erector set. The Aria is a truly flexible system, allowing you to add extra "modules" and thus reconfigure your equipment rack as your system grows or changes. All of the supports are isolated from each other via rubberized washers, and the shelves are available in black veneered MDF or tinted safety glass and can sit on the supports directly or on upturned spikes for greater isolation.
Finally, the Mesa Engineering room had on display something often overlooked at audio shows: Music. Srajan Ebaen, Mesa's high-end guru, brought a vast collection of CDRs that he recorded and a collection of poster boards that indicated what visitors could hear. The tune you're looking for isn't listed? No problem. Srajan can cross-reference it in his printed master listing and find something he does have. Highly recommended. They're Everywhere Every room looked
essentially like the next, and this effect was only
enhanced by the near-constant presence of certain
accessories. Officially, Acoustic Sciences Corporation
(ASC for short) supplied their Tube Traps to 21 rooms,
but I spotted them in a number of others too. Something
tells me that these guys get little credit for the music
that their soundless products helped produce. Lamm ML1 amplifiers were in three roomsLamm/TreMa Sound, Thor, and Veritywith a pair of M1.1s workin' it in the Walker Audio room. Master of Paradise Jim Saxon noted, "It was very difficult for a room with the Lamm ML1s to sound bad." |
CES '98
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